Here is the BODY color statement used in this webpage:

<BODY bgcolor="#CCCCFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" alink="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF">

Here is the arrangement of the three 2-digit hexadecimal codes:

                RED  ||  BLUE
                  \\ || //
Black   (     )    000000
Red     (R    )    FF0000
Yellow  (R+G  )    FFFF00
Green   (  G  )    00FF00
Cyan    (  G+B)    00FFFF
Blue    (    B)    0000FF
Magenta (R + B)    FF00FF
White   (R+G+B)    FFFFFF
Grey 20%           CCCCCC
Grey 80%           333333

For any one color the hex values (from 00 to FF) control the color intensity. To minimize dithering, choose from the following values:

Darkest <--- 00 33 66 99 CC FF ---> Lightest


I haven't yet tested that claim about minimizing dithering. That's just what was told to me. See for more information.

A single hex digit can have one of the following 16 values:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F